School Administration (Ed.S.)


Indiana State University offers the educational specialist degree (Ed.S.) in school administration to provide an opportunity for career development in elementary or secondary school administration. The Ed.S. provides this opportunity and can qualify students for the Indiana Standard Superintendent's License as well as other leadership positions in education.

  • The online Ed.S. degree in school administration is a 60-credit-hour program, inclusive of a Master’s degree, regarded as an intermediate practitioner's degree and, as such, is a continuation of work completed in pursuit of the master of education.
  • The objective of the degree is to develop those skills and competencies needed to serve in positions of leadership in school or district situations. The program is designed to serve public and private sector working professionals for positions of leadership in either setting.
  • The program is delivered through a blended online education program using a combination of interactive online sessions augmented by required on-campus sessions.
  • The program is often completed in 1-2 years for students taking 2-3 courses per semester, including the summer session. Students do have the option of extending the program and choosing a less aggressive schedule.
  • The program supports a rolling curriculum, allowing students to start the program any semester or during the summer session.
  • The program includes a practicum for students in the central office internship experience.
  • This program may or may not lead to licensure in your home state. The courses required in these programs prepare the student for licensure or certification in the State of Indiana. Students must also hold a Professional Educators License with proficiency of initial, standard, provisional, proficient or accomplished practicioner instructor license and have had a minimum of two (2) years of experience as a teacher. Please contact your state licensing authority to assure that, upon completion of the program, you are qualified to obtain a license or other form of certification. You may visit the U.S. Department of Education to determine specific requirements in your state. For important information, visit Licensure or Certification Information.
  • The program is open to eligible students in the U.S. (including the District of Columbia and all U.S. territories). The program is closed to students residing in countries other than the U.S. except for U.S. military and State Department personnel and their family members with APO/FPO addresses.

Transfer Credit

A student working toward the educational specialist degree may transfer up to 39 hours of graduate credit either applied to a completed master’s degree or to an administrative license or certificate issued by a state department of education. Courses must be approved in advance by the department’s admission committee or the advisor in light of guidelines established by the committee.

Progress toward the Degree

During the period of study leading to the educational specialist degree, a graduate student must show evidence of sound scholarship and ability to carry out a research project. He or she must meet the following standards to retain good standing as a graduate student:

  • Maintain an average of 3.25 or above in all graduate work
  • Complete a program of 60 hours of graduate study (including all work taken beyond the baccalaureate degree) according to the specific requirements of the major field to which he or she has been admitted
  • Earn a minimum of 21 hours of graduate credit beyond the master's degree at Indiana State University
  • Complete a minimum of 15 credit hours of work after admission to the program
  • Have no encumbrances on his/her record

Time Limitation

A student must complete all educational specialist degree requirements within eight years following admission to the program. Of the 24 hours of required graduate credit, no graduate credit will be counted toward the educational specialist degree if the student enrolled for the work more than five years before enrollment in the program. The Graduate Student Appeals Committee of the Graduate Council must approve exceptions to this policy.

Required Courses

In addition, all educator licensure programs and related school programs at Indiana State University are accredited by the Indiana Department of Education and Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

Financial Aid & Assistance

Graduate students may be eligible for federal student loans if they are admitted into graduate degrees (or first-time teacher certification programs) and meet other eligibility requirements. Certificate programs are not eligible for financial aid. Private alternative loans can help students pay college expenses that may not be covered by federal loan programs or other financial aid. For more information, visit financial aid.

In addition, students may be eligible for payment plans and veterans benefits.

Further Information

For further information and assistance, contact:

College of Graduate and Professional Studies
Indiana State University
(812) 237-3619


Note: This program may or may not lead to licensure in your home state. The courses required in this program prepare the student for licensure or certification in the State of Indiana. Please contact your state licensing authority to assure that, upon completion of the program, you are qualified to obtain a license or other form of certification. If you need assistance obtaining contact information for the licensing authority in states outside of Indiana, contact Indiana State Online representatives at (812) 237-2345 or


The Graduate Catalog and Undergraduate Catalog of Indiana State University are the documents of authority for all students. The requirements given in the catalogs supersede information issued by any academic department, program, college, or school. The University reserves the right to change the requirements at any time.



College of Graduate and Professional Studies
Indiana State University
(812) 237-3619